
發(fā)布時間:2017-08-29 20:52:59Directions:For this part you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition on the topicInternet. You should write at least 120 words andbase your composition on the outline below:互聯(lián)網使用的現(xiàn)狀,大學生是否應該使用互聯(lián)網,人們的看法不同,我的看法。In recent years, people are developing aninseparable relationship with Internet. As is known toall, it is convenient for us to click the mouse whensurfing on line, either to entertain ourselves or to meet the work s needs.On the one hand, no one denies that Internet is currently one of the most useful media inour daily life. As a college student, I get on line every day to exchange information through e-mails with my net friends. But on the other hand, a good many people admit that they are toomuch addicted to Internet to maintain a regular and wholesome lifestyle.Thus, it is necessary for us to use Internet in a reasonable way and restrain fromoverindulgence. After all,Internet is invented to enrich our life, and to improve the efficiencyof our work rather than shackle us with a chain.以上就是英語四級作文高分沖刺模板(15),內容不多,但是實用性較強,同學們別忘了背幾篇之后整理出來屬于自己的模板哦,不要給閱卷老師看到千篇一律的 整容臉 ,化有為無我們的作文自然能吸引到老師的青睞!

解放軍文職招聘考試The Source of Energy-解放軍文職人員招聘-軍隊文職考試-紅師教育

發(fā)布時間:2017-12-20 22:00:07The Source of EnergyA summary of the physical and chemical nature of life must begin, not onthe Earth, but in the Sun; in fact, at the Sun"s very center. It is herethat is to be found the source of the energy that the Sun constantly poursout into space as light and heat. This energy is liberated at the center ofthe Sun as billions upon billions of nuclei of hydrogen atoms collide witheach other and fuse together to form nuclei of helium, and in doing so,release some of the energy that is stored in the nuclei of atoms. Theoutput of light and heat of the Sun requires that some 600 million tons ofhydrogen be converted into helium in the Sun every second. This the Sunhas been doing for several thousands of millions of years. The nuclearenergy is released at the Sun"s center as high-energy gamma radiation, aform of electromagnetic radiation like light and radio waves, only of verymuch shorter wavelength. This gamma radiation is absorbed by atoms insidethe Sun to be reemitted at slightly longer wavelengths. This radiation, inits turn is absorbed and reemitted. As the energy filters through thelayers of the solar interior, it passes through the X-ray part of thespectrum eventually becoming light. At this stage, it has reached what wecall the solar surface, and can escape into space without being absorbedfurther by solar atoms. A very small fraction of the Sun"s light andheat is emitted in such directions that after passing unhinderedthrough interplanetary space, it hits the Earth.能量的來源概說生命的物理和化學特性必須始于太陽--確切地說,是太陽的核心,而非地球。 能 量來自太陽的核心。在這里,太陽不停地以光和熱的形式向空間傾瀉出能量。 數十億計的 氫原子核在太陽的核心碰撞并且聚變生成氦。 在此過程中一部分原本儲存于原子核中的能量被釋放出來。 太陽所產生的光和熱需要每秒將六億噸氫轉化為氦。 這樣的轉化在太陽中已經持續(xù)幾十億年了。 核能在太陽的核心被釋放為高能的伽馬射線。 這是一種電磁射線, 就象光波和無線電波一樣,只是波長要短得多。這種伽瑪射線被太陽內的原子所吸收,然 后重新釋放為波長稍長一些的光波。 這新的射線再次被吸收,而后釋放。 在能量由太陽內部一層層滲透出來的過程中,它經過了光譜中 X 射線部分,最后變成了光。 在此階段,能量到達我們所稱的太陽表層,并且離散到空間而不再被太陽原子所吸收。 只有很小一部分 太陽的光和熱由此方向釋放出來,并且未被阻擋,穿越星空,來到地球。