
發(fā)布時間:2019-04-28 08:13:50六、 介 詞(一) 知識概要介詞在英語中用法很活,也無一定規(guī)律可循。在初中范圍內還應學一個記住一個,特別是那些和動詞的特殊搭配。這樣長期下去不斷學習自然會總結出一套自己的規(guī)律來。下面是一般的規(guī)律,可幫助學習時參考,千萬不要作為定律去背誦,照搬。介詞 表示時間 表示地點方位 表示原因方式 其 他about 大約在 時間 about five o"clock 在周圍,大約多遠 about five kilometres 關于、涉及talk about youabove 高出某一平面above sea levelacross 橫過 walk across the street對面 across the streetafter 在 之后after supper跟 后面one after another追趕run after youagainst 背靠逆風against the wall, against the wind反對be against youamong 三者以上的中間among the treesat 在某時刻at ten在小地點at the school gate表示速度at high speed向著,對著at mebefore 在 之前before lunch位于 之前sit before mebehind 位于 之后behind the treebelow 低于 水平below zero不合格below the standardby 到 時刻,在 時刻之前by five o"clock緊挨著site by site乘坐交通工具by air, by bick 被由was made by usduring 在 期間during the holidaysfor 延續(xù)多長時間for five years向 去leave for Shanghai 為了,對于be good for youfrom 從某時到 某時 from morning till night 來自何方from New York由某原料制成be made from來自何處where are you fromin 在年、月、周較長時間內 in a week 在里面in the room用某種語言 in English 穿著in redinto 進入 里面walk into除 分divide into變動turn into waternear 接近某時 near five years 在 附近 near the parkof 用某種原料制成be made of屬于 性質a map of U. S .Aon 某日、某日的上下午on Sunday afternoon 在 上面on the desk 靠吃 為生live on rice 關于 a book on Physicsover 渡過一整段時間 work over night 在上方over the desk超過, 高于 over five pairspast 超過某一時刻ten past five


發(fā)布時間:2019-04-29 08:57:24(g) 為了避免重復.(h)先行詞是the way或the reason時,that可作關系副詞,也可省略(i) 主句的主語是疑問詞who /which時舉例:Is this the book that you borrowed in the library?這是你在圖書館借的那本書嗎?Who that break the window should be punished.誰打碎了窗戶都要受到懲罰.All that is needed is a supply of oil.所需的只是供油問題。Finally, the thief handed everything that he had stolen to the police.那賊最終把偷的全部東西交給了警察。三、關系副詞引導定語從句關系副詞 關系副詞:在句中作狀語關系副詞=介詞+關系代詞why=for whichwhere=in/ at/ on/ ... which (介詞同先行詞搭配)when=during/ on/ in/ ... which (介詞同先行詞搭配)1. where指地點,在定語從句中做地點狀語用來表示地點的定語從句。(1) Shanghai is the city where I was born.(2) The house where I lived ten years ago has been pulled down.2. when引導定語從句表示時間。在定語從句中做時間狀語也可做連接詞用(1) I still remember the day when I first came to the school.(2) The time when we got together finally came.[注]表示時間 time 一詞的定語從句只用when引導,有時不用任何關系代詞,當然也不用that引導。By the time you arrived in London, we had stayed there for two weeks.到你到達倫敦的時候,我們在那里已經待了兩個星期。


發(fā)布時間:2019-04-29 08:41:50(2)作表語:地點副詞一般可以作表語,放在be等連系動詞之后,說明人物所處的位置。如:I m very sorry he isn t in at the moment.(很抱歉,他此刻不在家)/ I have been away from my hometown for nearly 20 years.(我離開家鄉(xiāng)有將近20年了) / Jim is over there.(吉姆就在那邊)(3)作定語:時間副詞(如now、then)以及許多地點副詞都可以作名詞的定語,放在名詞的后面。如:People now often have their festival dinners at restaurants.(現在的人們經常在餐館里吃節(jié)日晚宴) / Women there were living a terrible life in the 1920s.(在二十世紀20年代那兒的女人過著可怕的日子)(4)作賓語補足語:地點副詞一般可以作賓語補足語。如:Put your dirty socks away, Jim! They are giving out bad smell!(吉姆,把你的臟襪子拿開!它們在散發(fā)著臭氣。) / Father kept him in and doing his lessons.(父親把他關在家里做作業(yè))[注意] 動詞+副詞 的賓語如果是代詞,則該副詞應該放在代詞之后。如:He wrote down the word.(他寫下了那個詞。) He wrote it down.(他把它寫了下來。)2、有關副詞的重要注釋:⑴ as as 常構成一些詞組:as soon as (一旦 就 ), as well as (同樣), as+形容詞/副詞+as possible(盡可能 地)。如:Please ring me up as soon as you get to Beijing.(請你一到北京就給我寫信。)/ Miss Gao hurried to the school gate as quickly as possible.(高小姐盡快地趕到了校門口。)[注釋] as long / much as + 名詞 可以表示 長達/多達 的含義。如:The house costs as much as five hundred thousand yuan.(那幢房子花費高達50萬元。)/ They stayed in the cave(山洞)as long as two weeks.(他們呆在山洞里長達兩周。)⑵ later、after、ago、before的用法:① 一段時間+later/ago 分別表示 (多久)以后/以前 ,主要用于過去時態(tài)。② after/before+某個時刻 分別表示 在某時刻之后/之前 ,此時兩個詞是介詞。③ago與before:ago只能用于過去時,before用于完成時。如:He had an accident a week ago.(一周前出了一個事故)/ Some years later, the boy became a very famous singer.(數年后這個男孩成了著名的歌唱家)/ Have you been there before?(你從前到過那兒嗎?)/ After a few years he gave up smoking.(過了幾年他戒了煙。)⑶ above、below、over、under的用法:在上下方用above和below,在高低處用over和under.如:The stars are high above in the sky.(星星高掛在空中) / A plane flew over quickly.(一架飛機從頭頂飛過。)當above、below、over、under是介詞性質時,意義相似。


發(fā)布時間:2019-04-29 08:40:41③ 動詞不定式作定語且該動詞為不及物動詞,后面有介詞。I finally found a chair to sit on.(我 最終找到了一張椅子坐。)(5) 記住一些固定詞組:arrive at/in(到達 ),on foot(步行),not at all(根本不),to the north of(在 以北),in the east of(在 的東部),in the night(在夜間),at night(在晚上),be afraid of(害怕 ),be full of(充滿/ 裝滿 .),be filled with(充滿/ 裝滿 .),be good/bad for(對 有益/有害),be made of(由 做成),be made from(由 制造),play with(玩耍 ),look out of(朝 外面看),at the end of(在 末梢/結束時),by the end of(不遲于 /到 末為止),with the help of或with one s help(在 的幫助下),look after(照料 ),look for(尋找 ),on a bike(=by bike)騎車, help sb. with(幫某人做 ),get on (well) with(與某人相處[融洽]),等等。6、某些介詞的用法辨析:⑴ 時間或地點介詞in、on、at的用法區(qū)別:表示時間時, in表示在一段時間里(在將來時句子中則表示在一段時間之后), on表示在具體的某一天或者某天的上下午等, at表示在某個時刻或者瞬間; 表示地點時, in表示在某個范圍之內, on表示在某個平面上或與一個面相接觸,at則表示在某個具體的場所或地點。如:He was born on the morning of May 10th.(他出生于五月十日的早晨)/ I usually get up at 7:00 in the morning.(我通常在早上的七點鐘起床) / His glasses are right on his nose.(他的眼鏡就架在他的鼻子上)/ He is at the cinema at the moment.(此刻他正在電影院)⑵ after與in表示時間的用法區(qū)別: after+(具體時刻/從句) 表示 在 時刻之后 常用于一般時態(tài); in+(一段時間) 表示 在(多久)之后 ,常用于將來時態(tài)。如:He said that he would be here after 6:00.(他說他六點鐘之后會來這兒)/ My father is coming back from England in about a month.(我父親大約一個月以后從英國回來)⑶ since與for表示時間的用法區(qū)別: since+(具體時刻/that-從句) 表示 自從 起一直到現在 , for +(一段斶間) 表示 總共有 之久 ,都常用于完成時態(tài);如:Uncle Li has worked in this factory since 1970.(李叔叔自從1970年起就在這家工廠工作了)/ Uncle Li has worked in this factory for over 30 years. (李叔叔在這家工廠已經工作了30多年)⑸ about與on的用法區(qū)別:都可以表示 有關 ,但是about的意義比較廣,而on主要表示 有關 (專題/課程) 。如:Tom is going to give a talk on the history of America.(湯姆要作一個美國歷史的報告)/ They are very excited talking about the coming field trip.(他們興致勃勃地談論著即將來到的野外旅游)