
發(fā)布時間:2017-09-14 23:17:04變異性 個體差異 可疑的物種 分布廣的、分散大的和普通的物種變異最 多 各地大屬的物種比小屬的物種變異更頻繁 大屬里許多物種,正如變種那樣, 有很密切的、但不均等的相互關系,并且有受到限制的分布區(qū)域。把前章所得到的各項原理應用到自然狀況下的生物之前,我們必須簡單地討論一下, 自然狀況下的生物是否容易發(fā)生變異。要充分討論這一問題)必須舉出一長列枯燥無味 的事實;不過我準備在將來的著作里再來發(fā)表這些事實。我也不在這里討論加于物種這 個名詞之上的各種不同的定義。沒有一項定義能使一切博物學者都滿意;然而各個博物 學者當談到物種的時候,都能夠模糊地知道它是什么意思。這名詞一般含有所謂特殊創(chuàng) 造作用這一未知因素。關于 變種 這個名詞,幾乎也是同樣地難下定義;但是它幾乎 普遍地含有共同系統(tǒng)的意義,雖然這很少能夠得到證明。還有所謂畸形也難以解釋,但 它們逐漸走入變種的領域。我認為畸形是指構造上某種顯著偏差而言,對于物種一般是 有害的,或者是無用的。有些著者是在專門意義上來使用 變異 這一名詞的,它的含 義是直接由物理的生活條件所引起的一種變化;這種意義的 變異 被假定為不能遺傳 的;但是波羅的海半咸水里的貝類的矮化狀態(tài)、阿爾卑斯山頂上的矮化植物、或者極北 地區(qū)的動物的較厚毛皮,誰能說在某些情形下至少不遺傳少數(shù)幾代呢?我認為在這種情 形下,這些類型是可以稱為變種的。在我們的家養(yǎng)動物里,特別是在植物里,我們偶爾看到的那些突發(fā)的和顯著的構造 偏差,在自然狀況下能否永久傳下去,是值得懷疑的。幾乎每一生物的每一器官和它的 復雜生活條件都有如此美妙的關聯(lián),以致似乎很難相信,任何器官會突然地、完善地產 生出來,就像人們完善地發(fā)明一具復雜的機器那樣。在家養(yǎng)狀況下有時會發(fā)生畸形,它 們和那些大不相同的動物的正常構造相似。例如,豬有時生下來就具有一種長吻,如果 同屬的任何野生物種天然地具有這種長吻,那未或許可以說它是作為一種畸形而出現(xiàn)的; 不過我經(jīng)過努力探討,并不曾發(fā)現(xiàn)畸形和極其密切近似物種的正常構造相似的例子,而 只有這種畸形才和這個問題有關系。如果這種畸形類型確曾在自然狀況中出現(xiàn)過,并且 能夠繁殖(事實不永遠如此),那未,由于它們的發(fā)生是稀少的和單獨的,所以必須依 靠異常有利的條件才能把它們保存下來。同時,這些畸形在第一代和以后的若干代中將 與普通類型相雜交,這樣,它們的畸形性狀就幾乎不可避免地要失掉。關于單獨的或偶 然的變異的保存和延續(xù),我將在下一章進行討論。


發(fā)布時間:2017-06-30 11:21:07Please be advised that Nairobi like any other large city has a security and crime problem. However, if you observe the following simple guidelines you will have a trouble-free stay here:1. Do not wear a money belt. This makes you an instant target.2. Cameras of all kinds are a favourite with snatchers. Feel free to use them within the Starehe Campus and the hotel grounds but not in the streets.3. Ladies handbags are also a regular snatch. Avoid carrying one, and if you must, be alert and hold on to it tightly.4. Jewellery and even glasses with valuable frames are also often targeted. Bear this in mind.5. When in a vehicle keep the doors always locked, and the windows only slightly open especially at traffic lights, junctions and in slow moving traffic.6. Beware of street children, their begging often quickly transforms into something more unpleasant.7. Stay with the main party all the time, and avoid wandering off on your own.8. Finally, the best defence is to be alert at all times and conscious of your environment. Should you have any problem or need help at any hour of the day or night, call any of the following and they will do their best for you:Office fixed, home fixed and mobile phones● Kenndy Hongo 763856 761221 763182 761294● Fred Okono 761221 764988 604490● Edwin Otieno 761221 761642 763011 7012791. This selection must be delivered by _______.A. the Nairobe city governmentB. the police of the Nairobe AirportC. the organizer of the seminarD. Kennedy Hong, a detective2. After reading this notice, visitors to Nairobe might gain an impression that _______.A. Fred Okono and his fellow workmates are very kind and helpfulB. Nairobe is a large city which is very developedC. the crime problem is very serious in the city of NairobeD. they should not have paid a visit to Nairobe, and should buy a ticket back immediately3. The notice tells us that _______.A. something unpleasant could happen to you if you use a camera during the seminarB. ladies must not wear a handbag or any jewelleryC. in the hotels of Nairobe, it might be dangerous to stay in a single roomD. everything will be OK if you always watch out and are clear about the surroundings1. C。推斷題。根據(jù)第 1 段 you will stay and have a trouble-free seminar 可知是研討會相關人員所發(fā)出的通知,由此可推知 C 為可選項。2. C。推斷題。根據(jù)八條注意事項得知該城市的治安狀況很差,所以 C 為正確答案。